Senior Pastor
My name is Scott Lamb and I have been the Pastor of the West Las Vegas Potter’s House since 2005. Before that I served in San Diego, CA; Prescott, AZ; El Paso, TX; and Cortez, CO.
I was saved in the Jesus People movement in 1974. That was a time of supernatural revival that swept through America’s youth, especially in the hippie culture. Drug fried, decadent and rebellious, the hippie movement was the last place you would expect Christianity to make an impact.
I was adrift and looking for something that would replace the materialism and ankle deep spirituality of my parents’ generation. Eastern mysticism, marijuana and LSD, sexual immorality (drugs, sex, and rock and roll)…nothing quite filled the emptiness in my heart. I was the quintessential character in what the English rock group, The Who, described as a teenage wasteland in their song by the same name. As that emptiness drove me into alcoholism and increasing drug abuse, my father, an alcoholic of many years, was saved by the power of God. His changed life was so radically different that it got me thinking about Jesus Christ, but I wasn’t willing to surrender to the call to repentance. As unsatisfying as it was, I still wanted to party.
At about the same time another friend of mine was saved with the same powerful conversion experience. Tim was a drunken wife beater and a violent man turned unexplainably peaceful and content, free from alcohol, a loving husband and a doting father. It was the invasion of the body snatchers! Who was this guy? I didn’t recognize him anymore.
As I became more and more disillusioned with life, the powerful change of my father and friend became impossible to avoid, so in a moment of clarity, when it became obvious that I needed what these guys had, I prayed a simple prayer and struck a bargain with God. I told Him if He could fix my broken life, he could have it. I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t even sure if Jesus was real. But that night everything changed. My dead heart came to life, my tormented mind came to rest, and I was overwhelmed with a love for others that I had never experienced in my life.
I can’t tell you all the powerful things Jesus did and has continued to do in my life. That would take a book. I met and married my hippie-chick wife, Gail, in Vermont. She was living on the land in upstate New York, drinking goat’s milk and smoking pot. She was saved at a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting in Pennsylvania. She came to church and saw me with my hair down to my waist and a motorcycle helmet and I saw her with her long skirt and combat boots, and it was love at first sight. So we got engaged, I cut my hair as you can see in our wedding picture, and we set off together to serve Jesus. I had no idea that would lead me into Pastoral ministry (I was terrified of public speaking or public anything).
From the moment of my conversion, God’s love has compelled me to reach out to other people and here I am, forty three years later, still doing just that, telling people about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I believe the Bible is God’s word to humanity. It has led me, strengthened me, informed my decisions, directed my paths for all these years. I preach it from my heart because it has had such a profound impact in my own life. I invite you to come out and hear the good news: Jesus Christ is alive. He’s alive in me. He can live in you. The Psalmist said, “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusts in Him.” Come find out for yourself at the Potter’s House. I’ll see you there. I’m the aging, balding, ex-longhair shaking hands at the door. Be sure to say hello!